Archive | October, 2011

Tinker Tailor Soldier…zzzzzz!

7 Oct

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy is set during the Cold War and follows retired spy George Smiley (Oldman) who is called back into the field to uncover the identity of a mole within MI6’s highest ranks “the circus”.  The film is based on the John Le Carre novel and directed by Tomas Alfredson.

The film was absolutely jam-packed with stars and some really great performances were put in by Oldman, Hardy, Firth, Strong and Cumberbatch to name but a few.  The film was beautifully shot with a greyness which gave the film a brooding, cold, starkly honest feel.  The cinematography, score and characters all contributed to an authentic representation of this period and I have been assured of Le Carre’s novel.  The climax of the narrative, the unveiling of the mole, was rather a damp squib although this wasn’t terribly detrimental to the film as the emphasis was far more on the slow burn, suspenseful development of the investigation.

The film is good which is why I find myself totally at a loss because it really just didn’t resonate with me and I am not sure why.  I had high expectations but found myself rather detached from the whole viewing experience.  I think a part of it was due to my struggle to relate to or get under the skin of any of the characters, particularly the suspects.  They were given snippets of screen time, nowhere near enough to develop any real personality or lasting connection.  

Or perhaps it was the complete lack of dynamic female characters for me to relate to (loosely discounting Kathy Burke)?  Those that did appear were pointless, firmly constrained within stereotypes, the attractive secretary, the victim, the adulteress, totally unable to affect their own fate or the narrative structure and completely powerless to their male counterparts.  Then again perhaps I am just digging for reasons that aren’t there.  I would be really interested in your thoughts…….

The film is really good and I wouldn’t let my reservations deter you from watching it.  I would give the film 6.5/10 which is probably rather unfair but for me it just didn’t connect.